Wednesday, January 14, 2015

pulling teeth

(Hi Sara!  Lol....I think you're the only one who still checks this blog.) 

As "Mommy" I do a lot of gross jobs.  I can handle puke and snot and all sorts of bathroom scenarios, but I've always drawn the line at pulling teeth.  I never pulled my own teeth and I had no intention of pulling anyone else's either.  In fact I told Chris early on that pulling teeth was totally his department.
So last night when Flora's front tooth was bleeding & dangling sideways in her mouth and Chris was gone for a few hours I faced my greatest hurdle as "Mommy" and asked her if she wanted me to pull it for her.  She emphatically told me, "No, I don't want you to do it because you're not a professional."  (Apparently Chris is the "professional" because "he's done it before.") 
So Flora tried to pull it by herself.....unsuccessfully.  And it started bleeding more.....and it was way after bedtime.....and I was afraid she would swallow it if it fell out during the I took a deep breath and gave it a pull. 
I screamed.....she screamed.....we were both very unprofessional.  And also unsuccessful.  So I put her to bed and said a prayer for the tooth to stay put until morning. 
This morning she woke up early and Chris pulled her tooth very professionally and very uneventfully. 

The moral of this story:
If you know you cannot pull teeth then don't try to pull teeth. 
It's literally like pulling teeth.