Wednesday, November 30, 2011

nothing they say surprises me anymore

Some funny and just plain weird stories:

I was explaining to Flora and Scout why they shouldn't play with the outlets.  I talked about electricity and how it would shock them and feel like a big poke (what they call a shot).  So when I was done with my lecture, Flora nodded and nonchalantly said, "It's too bad we can't just put some poop in it" as she walked away.  Baffled, I asked for clarification but didn't understand her response any more after she'd explained it.  "Yeah," she said, "it would be better if we could just put some poop in it and it wouldn't hurt us."  I'm still confused about this.....

The kids video chat with Chris' parents a lot on his iPad using Facetime (like Skype).  Today I was watching a youtube video about the Denver Broncos.  Scout walked up to the computer just as they were interviewing Tim Tebow and watched for a minute before waving and saying, "Hi!" to Tebow.  A few seconds passed and then Scout leaned over to me and whispered, "Why isn't he saying hi to me?"  Haha.....apparently he thought we were chatting. 

And in related news, every time I watch a Broncos game or read Broncos news I start calling Timber "Tebow."  It's the T and the middle B that confuse me, I think.  Timber blows his nose now!  It's the cutest thing -- I need to try to get it on video.  He'll put the tissue up to his nose and blow air out of his nose.  Then he runs the tissue to me with a big smile and claps enthusiastically for himself after I take it from him.  Seriously.the.cutest.thing.EVER.   

A funny story that is not kid-related -- We have a light-sensitive timer for our outdoor Christmas lights that is supposed to kick on at dusk and off at dawn.  Totally cracked me up to come home the first night our lights were up to the lights blinking on and off.  Apparently our timer was placed too close to the lights themselves so they kicked ON and then the light they produced prompted the timer to turn OFF which then caused them to turn back ON and so forth.

Scout wanted to ask me a secret today.  I leaned over and he whispered, "Do you like panties?" in my ear.  "Uh, well, I like to wear panties," I answered.  Then he wanted to ask another secret.  "Mommy, are you wearing panties?" he whispered.  Seriously?  Haha.....I can totally embarrass him with this story someday!      

And a final funny story -- Chris just walked by and read over my shoulder briefly.  He saw the word "Tebow" and asked why I was writing such a long blog about Tim Tebow.  Then I got the giggles thinking about how funny that would be for me to write a whole post on Tim Tebow.  Chris egged me on by providing some opening sentences like, "I'd like to share about someone very special in my life right now....." etc. 

Hm....this was probably a "you had to be here" moment.  It doesn't really translate well to text.  And now it appears that I have written most of this post about Tim Tebow.  Oh well.  Woohoo!  Go Broncos!   

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