Wednesday, February 1, 2012

crafty moms

Kids.  They're strange little boogers.  Why do they think inappropriate words are funny?  And why do they feel the need to giggle about them in the shopping cart at JoAnn's??  Of course, Mommy had to put a stop to that.  JoAnn's is a relatively quiet store so who knows how many people were judging me for my children's crude sense of humor.

Once I put a stop to the penis giggling they decided to play a rhyming game.
"Ball.  Call.  Wall.  Doll."
"My kids are SO smart," I thought.
"Cat.  Hat.  Bat.  Rat."
"And they're SO sweet to play a little rhyming game while I'm shopping."
"Duck.  Tuck.  F---."
"WHOA!  No more rhyming!!!"
Of course, once Flora had said THAT word she said it again and then said, "Huh, that's a funny word."  I just held my breath hoping that would be the end of it.  I almost expected one of her dolls to have a new name when we got home but thankfully she forgot about her new word discovery once she saw all the jewelry-making supplies at JoAnn's.  Whew!

I really enjoyed browsing JoAnn's with a cart full of kids.  It made me feel like one of THOSE moms -- the moms who sew dresses and pillows and trash can covers and toilet seat cushions, who create beautiful wall hangings out of old toilet paper rolls and fancy door wreaths out of popsicle sticks and teabags, who re-purpose a broken toaster into a funky lamp or a bucket of bottle caps into the Mona Lisa.  I can barely make time to keep my eyebrows plucked, let alone design fashion jewelry out of kitchen utensils.  Somehow these crafty moms manage to dream, design, and create while still putting three meals on the table for their kids.  And I assume their kids don't just watch tv all day so there must be some kind of parent-child interaction taking place.  And kids don't change their own diapers or blow their own noses for at least a couple years.....and then there's the Mess and the Laundry.  The Mess and the Laundry -- my ever-present companions.  At least I'll never be lonely....even if I'm never crafty.

So, ANYWAY, I enjoy walking around JoAnn's with a cart full of kids because as long as I'm in the store I can pretend to be one of those crafty moms.  I imagine that everyone in the store assumes I am a crafty mom (because why else would I be pushing three kids in a too-tiny cart through JoAnn's??) and I certainly don't tell them any differently.

This whole crafty mom thing is all Pinterest's fault -- I wish I could say I was above it all but I'm not.
I want to be crafty.
So I make things.
They're never great but I applaud myself for creating something besides a baby.

Because apparently making babies is not enough to qualify me as a crafty mom these days.

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