Thursday, September 9, 2010


If I could bottle Scout's hugs I would probably be a billionaire.

There have been a few occasions over the past months that I have felt sad in the evenings -- not sad like depressed, just sad because bad things have happened to good friends. When I am feeling sad, I get the urge to wake up Scout for one of his big hugs. He is seriously the BEST hugger EVER. I joke that hugging is his spiritual gift, but maybe it's not really a joke. If Scout knows you well enough to do more than just stare at you, then it's likely that he's made you feel special. He likes to say, "Hi (fill in your name)!" and people can't help but smile when he greets them with his cute little voice. Between the cheery greetings and the fantastic hugs, he never fails to make me feel good.

He's just such a happy little guy. I like Scout.

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