Friday, September 25, 2009

We've Got Worms

Today, Flora fell down and noticed the carpet for the first time. She spent a minute examining our shag carpet very carefully before concluding, "Worms." Yes, apparently we have a blanket of worms covering our floor. From an almost-2-yr-old's perspective, it's really the only reasonable explanation for shag carpet.

After making her gruesome discovery, Flora ran to the kitchen and "psh-psh" (pretended to put soap on her hands), then she ran to the refrigerator and "ch-ch-ch-ch" (pretended to put water in her hands), and then ran back to the carpet and "sh-sh-sh" (cleaned the carpet).

Thanks, Flora! That was so much cheaper than the carpet cleaner we rented last week.....and apparently the carpet cleaner was defective since it left worms all over our floor.

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