Tuesday, September 29, 2009

a-walkin' we will go

The two hours between dinner and bedtime can sometimes seem like four or five hours if the kids are not in good moods. Tonight was one of those nights, so I suggested a walk. It's always good to get them out of the house when they're cranky. And, let's be honest, FLORA was cranky; she is almost a 2-yr-old. Scout is still blissfully happy just being in the same room as Mommy and rarely needs diversions. These days, he's too busy perfecting his mad walking skillz to care much about being entertained (I just watched him walk all the way across the living room! He's getting good!).

Unfortunately, I realized AFTER I had already said the "w" word that both of the strollers were in the car with Chris. Since it's impossible to derail a 2-yr-old brain once it is set on a particular activity, we walked the "old-fashioned" way......meaning I put Scout on my hip in the sling and Flora on the leash and out we went a-walkin'.

It took us 25 minutes to walk around the block two times, but I think they both really enjoyed it. Flora stopped to pick flowers, point at rocks, and rescue fallen leaves. She even got to see a couple of rabbits hop across the sidewalk in front of her. Scout chewed on the sling (he has four teeth popping through right now), looked at me adoringly, and laughed at Flora.

It was fun. I think we'll do it again sometime. I guess I'll have to get another leash soon so Scout can walk too!

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