Friday, November 12, 2010

30 x 30

Inspired by a friend, I have compiled a list of 30 things to do before I turn 30-years-old next October. It took several weeks to put it all together but it is finally finished and ready for viewing! I may add/delete some things in the future -- I had to come up with the list rather quickly and may need to make changes. It's okay though -- I am not letting this be a burden but rather a helpful guide to encourage me to pursue fun, productive, and/or challenging things in the next 10 1/2 months. So.....without further ado......

30 x 30

  1. Re-read P&P -- because I read the book in 7th grade and loved it but I think I should average reading it every 15 years, right? Gosh, has it really been so long since 7th grade?
  2. Dye pink streak in hair -- because I don't have a reason not to do it.
  3. Teach Flora & Scout to do somersaults -- because everyone else's kids can do somersaults...I'm starting to question this one since I can see black eyes and bruised cheeks as a result of all the flailing legs.
  4. Lose 20 lbs -- because I no longer have the excuse of being pregnant.
  5. Learn how to wear eye shadow -- because it intimidates me and 30-year-olds shouldn't be intimidated by eye shadow.
  6. Give crochet a try -- because I've always thought I would like it.
  7. Get caught up on all the pictures that I haven’t printed -- I was doing so well for a while but now I am WAY behind. I don't think I've printed a picture since March. Trying to figure out what to get me for Christmas?? How about a Snapfish gift card or maybe a HUGE photo album??? :-)
  8. Go to JCP outlet store -- because I drove past it the first month we lived in KC and wanted to go and six years later I've still never been.
  9. Write down Flora’s and Scout’s birth stories and print all three -- because I will want to remember. They won't care but that's okay.
  10. Re-read through the New Testament -- because I'm not sure if I've ever read straight through from Matthew to Revelation.
  11. Organize toy rotation -- because it needs to be done and if it's on the list I'm more likely to do it.
  12. Repaint hallway -- because the color on the wall right now makes me sick. It looks like cement. Just a shade or two browner would be nice.
  13. Go back to Nelson-Atkins museum -- because I love that museum and it's been years since I've been. Pre-kids for sure!
  14. Watch Casablanca -- because I've never seen it and apparently everyone should.
  15. Successfully give up something for Lent -- because even though obedience is better than sacrifice, sometimes sacrifice is good too.
  16. Eat at Golden Corral -- because it's kind of an inside joke between Chris and me.
  17. See Tiffany -- because it's been almost a year since I've seen her and that makes me sad.
  18. Run a 5k -- because it would make me feel good about myself.
  19. Get a massage -- because I'll need it after the 5k.
  20. Complete the 30-Day Shred -- because I've come so close but never finished the whole course. (It's a 30-day DVD workout program)
  21. Read 6 fiction books & 6 nonfiction books -- because I am sad to say that I don't do much reading anymore.
  22. Make a new friend -- because my old friends are no good. :-) Just kidding.
  23. Get baby books up-to-date & add pictures -- because I don't want to try to do this 10 years from now and realize that I don't remember any of the details of their baby days.
  24. Sew something -- because I probably could if I tried.
  25. Invite [specific people] over for dinner -- because they are fun people that I want to get to know. I've also taken out their names just in case they read this. Wouldn't it be weird if they thought I was inviting them over just to check it off my list??
  26. Take each child to a library program for one-on-one time -- because Flora and Scout are not joined at the hip and they each need to have their own adventures occasionally.
  27. Stay off the computer for 30 (non-consecutive) days -- because I never want to NOT be able to leave the computer off all day. Double negative, I know.....double negatives are so confusing, aren't they?
  28. Make a “special box” for each kid -- because I still have a special box. Probably no one will get this one but me.....
  29. Join a playgroup -- because my kids don't have any friends. Ok, not entirely true.....Flora and Scout share three that enough? It doesn't seem like very many......
  30. Go to a movie by myself again -- because I've been to three movies by myself and enjoyed those three movie theater experiences more than any other movie theater experiences AND at this point in my life sitting undisturbed for two hours sounds absolutely luxurious!! I just hope I don't fall asleep......
So, there you go!! Wish me luck!!

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