Tuesday, July 24, 2012

my pinterest obsession spills over

Pinterest -- it's not just for Mommies!  Flora and Scout (with a little bit of help from Timber) spent about 20 minutes perusing kids' rooms on Pinterest this evening.  Every few minutes I heard, "Oh, MOMMY!  Come look at this bee-autiful bed!"  Or "Mommy, this pillow is SO COOL!"  They were totally digging it. 

After taking great care to examine each room and discuss the pros and cons of the various decor schemes, they finally chose a room for Scout.  I was across the room but I heard them reach their decision -- the "Treehouse Room" won.  Flora then told Scout, "Now I will click on it and Mommy will buy it when it's on sale." 

This is the room I'm supposed to buy "on sale" --
After their Pinterest time it was time for bed.  I told them they could talk about all the rooms they saw while they were in bed and maybe they could even do some decorating in their own room.  "Maybe you can make YOUR room look like the Treehouse Room," I suggested. 

"Wellllll," Scout said, "I think we're going to need a lot of stickers for that." 

Haha, stickers it is then!