Thursday, July 5, 2012

silly sayings

Scout played PeeWee Flag Football and made a little friend on the team.  I realized that we needed to start using different words to describe the kids when Scout said, "Mommy, Chase is my new friend.  He's SOOO CUTE!" 

I overheard Flora and Scout playing.  Scout said, "Flora, let's play Daddy and Mommy!  I'll be Daddy and you be Honey."

I was teaching Scout the "Ladies First" rule.  He politely let Flora take her turn first and then said, "Ok, now it's MY turn to be the lady!!" 

The kids were playing on some jungle gym equipment inside on of the churches we visited in South Dakota.  Chris and I were talking to a college-age guy nearby.  After watching them play for a while he said, "So......uh, they all seem to be about the same age....??"  Haha, I'm sure to a 20-yr-old guy they do! 

Flora came to find me with a guilty look on her face.  "What's wrong?" I asked.  "Ummm," she said, "I kinda colored on Scout's face just a little bit."  Uh-huh -- just a little bit!!