Thursday, January 13, 2011

resolutions revisited

Now that Timber is almost 4-months-old, I thought I should revisit my New Baby Resolutions to see how I've been doing. Here is my report:

1. I will take pictures of B3 when he is crying.

2. I will adopt a more middle-of-the-road approach to feedings.
I've done well in this department. Timber's doctor suggested letting him fuss for a few minutes at night to "test" how hungry he was. If he fusses for a few minutes and then falls back asleep, he's obviously not starving. I wish someone would have told me that when Flora was a baby! He has slept better than the other two and I think it's because I don't pick him up and feed him during the night every time he makes a noise.

3. I will not worry about his belly button.
Wow, it's a good thing I made this resolution because he had some nasty belly button issues! It smelled B.A.D.!! I started to worry but remembered my resolution and just resolved to not think about it. I did some research online and determined it was a common thing and at his 2-week checkup the doctor confirmed that sometimes belly button stumps can smell really nasty before they fall off. It IS rotting flesh, after all. So, I guess I give myself a B- on this one. I DID worry just a tad but I tried not to be consumed with worry. "This too shall pass" ....and it did.

4. If B3 needs phototherapy to clear up his jaundice, then I WILL take pictures of him wearing his little sunglasses.

I even took this resolution a step further when Timber was hospitalized in October. I took pictures of him getting out of the ambulance

and pictures of the IV in his head that made him look like a unicorn.

The hospital staff didn't seem to think it was weird for me to be taking pics of Timber. I'm sure they're used to moms trying to document every moment....although I'm sure I would not have been concerned with pictures if I actually felt that his life was in danger. Or maybe I would's hard to say. These are the times that you never think to take pictures (unless you have previously resolved to do so) but you always wish you had pictures after it is all over.

5. I will let Flora and Scout touch, poke, kiss, and practically smother their new baby brother.



practically smother

6. I will shower at LEAST every other day.
Um.....haha! Well, I have showered every other day MOST of the time. I think there have been one or two occasions where I actually didn't shower until the 3rd day....but you really didn't need to know that, did you? If it makes any difference, my showers usually last so long that they could probably count as two showers......

7. I will still do fun things with Flora and Scout after B3 is born, although it will require considerably more effort.
We've done some fun things....although not tons. Here's a few of the fun things we've done:


Mr. Stinky Feet concert at the library

playing in the leaves

visiting santa

playing in the snow

8. I will TRY to remember to feed myself and Flora and Scout at regular intervals in the first few weeks after B3 is born . . . no promises on this one!
A few weeks ago, I sent Flora and Scout to church without feeding them breakfast. I also dropped them off at the church childcare while Chris and I went to small group for two hours and didn't realize until we got back home that night that I hadn't fed them dinner. So.....I think I get a D on this one. I am not giving myself an F since it's only happened twice in almost 4 months.....I haven't completely failed. :-)

9. I will not rush B3 into bigger clothing just because it it cute and I can't wait for him to wear it.
Fail. F. I have no defense....the clothes are just so cute and I want him to wear them. He IS a big baby so he's wearing bigger sizes anyway.....but I can't deny that I have rushed him into a few of my favorite outfits.

10. And finally, I resolve to continue to blog after B3 is born even though my free time will be significantly decreased.
This post makes 37 blog entries since Timber was born! I think that is a respectable amount of blogging for a mommy of three!

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