Monday, January 10, 2011

bedtime stories

Sometimes Scout likes to be ornery when I'm trying to put a diaper on him. Last night he was being difficult so I started saying the names of the planets for him to repeat. New things like that always distract him enough to allow me to quickly diaper him while he is absorbing the new information. So we went through the planets, Mercury to Pluto (because Pluto will always be a planet to me -- I'll let him learn differently in school and "surprise" me with the news someday), a few times before he was finally diapered and dressed for bed. Once in bed, Scout repeated his bedtime prayer after me and then decided that he would pray on his own. He said, "Thank you Jesus for Mommy Daddy. Thank you Jesus for Flora. Thank you Jesus for Mercury Jupiter. Amen."

Flora decided she needed to use the potty before bed but apparently she didn't really need to go. After sitting on the edge of the bathtub for five minutes I told her that it was time for her to be done because I was tired of sitting on the bathtub. She responded, "But Mommy, I could rub your bum for you to make it feel better." I laughed and then she got a worried look on her face and asked, "But, Mommy, can you keep your pants on while I rub your bum?"

1 comment:

The Bishop's Wife said...

haha. I like the updated pics by the way.