Sunday, January 23, 2011

pity party

I try so hard not to wish away the years/days/hours of my kids' lives. I know that they will be grown and gone before I know it and that knowledge usually keeps my frustrations in perspective.


When the kids get sick I immediately start longing for those future days when they will be able to tell me what's wrong and what will make them feel better. Trying to figure out who is hurting and where and why is exhausting! Flora is finally getting old enough to help me out a little bit, but she's only 3-years-old so her diagnostic skills are still rudimentary. Tonight she told me that her neck hurt. After some investigative questions, I decided that she meant her throat was hurting.....and I think she was only saying that because Scout got medicine and she wanted some.

So, I figure that we'll have another week before everyone is feeling completely better again. But don't worry -- I'll try very hard to keep my pity party thoughts to myself and out of the blog this week.

But I'm pretty sure that we would never get sick if we lived in Arkansas. Just sayin'.....


Anonymous said...

I can totally relate to your party mood...been there for those festivities WAY too much! Not trying to do a 'oh listen to my story', just sayin' I can relate, and I'm giving you some cake and ice cream for your party:) Or...maybe it should be coffee...or maybe wine;)
Anyway, praying things start looking brighter this week!
And, no, living in Arkansas wouldn't solve the illness issue. Not an option!
Love, Melanie S

Sara K. said...

LOLOLOL... Arkansas makes everything better!!