Tuesday, March 29, 2011

remember when

"Mommy, maybe when I'm 4-years-old I will get big and get MARRIED!!!  First I will be a flower girl and then I will get big and be the princess in a white gown!!!"

Wow, I was SO not ready for that one!!  Especially coming from Scout.....haha--just kidding--it was Flora, of course.  According to the experts, she will be getting married before we know it so it's probably good that she's already planning her wedding.  I think I'll focus more on the here and now.....like making sure she doesn't run with her toothbrush in her mouth or put her shoes on the wrong feet.  Weddings and marriage is WAY beyond my scope at this point!

Flora and Scout love to play the "coyote" game.  It's Scout's favorite so he's usually the one to start the game by saying in a hushed voice, "Oh no, the coyote's coming!" (It sounds more like "Oh no, duh ty-otees tuh-min!").  Then they yell and jump and run and hide and strategize and finally defend themselves from the "ty-otee" using various weapons and/or evasive maneuvers.  I love it.  It is pretend-play at its finest.  And they have SO much fun!!
I was folding laundry in my room this evening and listening to Flora and Scout play with Barbies in Scout's room (poor Scout.....it's a good thing we're growing a brother for him).  Timber was also sitting in the room with them so he could learn how to play Barbies too.  I knew they were done playing Barbies when I heard Scout announce, "Oh no, duh ty-otees tuh-min!" followed by running and giggling.  A minute later I realized that the voices I was now hearing were coming from Flora's room so I went to see what was going on.  Poor Timber was still in Scout's room with the door now shut and Flora and Scout were huddled in Flora's room discussing how to evade/defeat the coyote.  I asked why they had left Timber all alone and Flora replied, "Well, because the coyote was in there and that's just how we do it."  So apparently it's every man for himself when the coyote shows up!

Timber had his 6-month check-up last week and he is now in the 50th percentile for height, weight, and head circumference.  Mr. Pork Chop is now Mr. Average.  The doctor says he has some teeth that are thisclose to popping through but I've yet to see any evidence of that.  I've been expecting teeth "any day now" since he was 2-months-old so I've basically given up on any teeth ever appearing.  I will be completely shocked and surprised when/if he sprouts a tooth.

Some words are just more fun to say in toddlerese.
Toof.  Ty-otee.  Four-a.  Sout.  Timmer.  :-)

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