Thursday, October 28, 2010

peas & carrots too?

We bought Flora a Dora pinata for her birthday. She has a Dora book in which one of the characters has a surprise party with a pinata so we knew she'd love it. She did! And Scout did too! And I have proof! Kind of . . . I meant to record the moment that the pinata broke open but it turns out that I had my camera set to take a photograph instead of video. Bummer. I do have a cute video of the immediate aftermath though. You can see how excited they are! Scout is especially excited about the suckers!

Dora the Pinata has been a guest in our house since Flora's birthday but I finally had to throw her in the trash last night. Her face was gone, along with one arm and most of her clothing. She was basically just a Dora-shaped piece of cardboard. Of course, Flora asked where her Dora pinata was today and I had to tell her that Dora was gone. I promised that we would get another pinata for Scout's birthday. They both thought that was a grand idea and asked if there would be treats inside. I told them that there would definitely be treats in the new pinata. Flora's eyes lit up and she said, "Mommy, maybe there will be chocolate or even celery!!"
Uh, yeah . . . maybe even celery.

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