Friday, October 15, 2010

silly shorts

**Flora and Scout were in the other room when Timber started fussing. I heard Flora say, "Hurry, Scout, come on! Our new baby needs us!" They both ran into the room and gave Timber kisses.

**Grandpa and Granny (aka Jay and Debbie, aka Chris' parents) visited last weekend to meet Timber. As Debbie was holding Timber for the first time, she asked me what Scout thought of his new brother. I replied, "Oh, he just loves him. He likes to give him kisses." Immediately after the words left my mouth, Scout hurled a ball across the room directly at Timber's head. I'm sure Timber will pay him back for that someday.

**Timber was hungry but I was attending to Scout's needs before feeding him. Scout heard Timber crying and told me, "Mommy, our new baby is grumpy."

**Scout ripped Flora's princess birthday card and she was quite upset about it. She found two Phillips screwdrivers and brought them to Chris with her princess card and told him to fix it.

**Scout crawled out of his crib a couple weeks ago, so as soon as all of our out of town guests left we began Operation Bed Swap. Scout got Flora's toddler bed, Flora got our bed, and we got the guest bed. Timber will get Scout's crib when he's ready for it. After her first night on a "big bed" I asked Flora what she thought about it. She replied, "It was cool."

**Timber is still Our New Baby to Flora and Scout. They use the phrase as if it was actually his name, like, "Open your eyes, Our New Baby!" or "Our New Baby, you need to wake up!"

**Flora was wide-eyed and curious the first time she saw me nursing Timber. Obviously a little confused, she asked me incredulously, "Mommy, our new baby eats belly buttons?!?"

**I got out our trusty ol' swing for Timber to use, but hadn't replaced the dead batteries yet. As it turns out, I don't need to replace the batteries! I've got two excellent little swing-pushers in Flora and Scout. Scout occasionally gets a little carried away and I have to remind him to push gently, but most of the time they do their job very well. Since Timber has never experienced the rhythmic back-and-forth motion of a battery-operated swing he really doesn't mind that his swinging is a little more, um, sporadic.

**Flora and Scout are in Flora's room tearing paper into shreds and creating a huge mess. I am letting it happen because I discovered that I can easily type on Chris' laptop if I slouch on the couch with Timber asleep on my chest! Woohoo! I can blog again! And blog I will . . . I've been composing blogs in my head for weeks!!

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