Thursday, April 7, 2011


Since March 31st marked the halfway point for my 30x30 list I decided I should post a little update on how things are going.  I've only marked off 9 items but I think I'm still on track to finish before I turn 30 on October 1st.  Of the 21 items left, 11 are goals that can be completed in one day, and 6 are goals that are at least halfway finished.  So I think I'm doing okay.  Here is my official progress report:

30 x 30 Progress Report

  1. Re-read Pride and Prejudice -- DONE
  2. Dye pink streak in hair -- DONE
  3. Teach Flora & Scout to do somersaults -- DONE
  4. Lose 20 lbs -- Um.....yeah......about that......I guess there is a slight chance that this may still happen but every time I diet Timber goes on a diet too and that's no good.  If it doesn't work out this year then I can definitely start some serious calorie cutting after September!
  5. Learn how to wear eye shadow --I just haven't done this yet.  But I will.
  6. Give crochet a try -- Gosh, I have all the supplies and instruction books but can't seem to find the time!  I have too many reading goals on this list.  All of my "free" time is consumed with reading.
  7. Get caught up on all the pictures that I haven’t printed -- DONE (thanks to a Christmas gift card from Deb and lots of holiday sales from Snapfish!)
  8. Go to JCP outlet store -- Nope.  I'm really excited about this one though!
  9. Write down Flora’s and Scout’s birth stories and print all three -- DONE
  10. Re-read through the New Testament -- Halfway DONE!
  11. Organize toy rotation -- DONE
  12. Repaint hallway -- Haven't really thought about this one much besides picking up a few paint color swatches.
  13. Go back to Nelson-Atkins museum -- Again, not done, but I'm really looking forward to it!  This will probably be a summertime thing.  Perhaps with Sara???
  14. Watch Casablanca -- DONE (I didn't realize how many famous quotes were from that movie!)
  15. Successfully give up something for Lent -- So far so good!  This one will be DONE in 2 1/2 weeks!  I gave up carbonation.  There is a Mountain Dew tempting me in the fridge. 
  16. Eat at Golden Corral -- Nope.
  17. See Tiffany -- Not yet but I warned her that I would resort to chasing her down this summer if I have to!  She can run but she can't hide!
  18. Run a 5k -- TECHNICALLY I could say this is DONE because I ran 5k on the treadmill a few weeks ago but the spirit of this goal was to run IN a 5k.  That is scheduled to happen either April 16th or May 21st.  Stay tuned. 
  19. Get a massage -- I'm waiting to book my massage the day after my 5k.  :-)
  20. Complete the 30-Day Shred -- This is a goal that I might choose not to complete.  I started it, got to day 7, then got sick and had to stop.  During the time that I was doing it I remembered that I didn't quit on the program in the past because I couldn't handle it but because it's super boring.  Also, the only time I can do it is during naptime or after the kids go to bed or else they're crawling all over me and getting in the way of my jumping jacks.  So, I decided that I am going to allow myself to scratch this one.  It's MY list.  Don't judge me. 
  21. Read 6 fiction books & 6 nonfiction books -- My goodness, that's kind of a lot of reading.  It's the nonfiction books that are slowing me down.  It doesn't help that the one I am reading right now is 451 pages of small type.  Interesting though!  I've read 3 fiction and 2 1/2 nonfiction so far.  Add my New Testament reading and Pride and Prejudice to that and it's a lot more reading than I realized it would be.  I like reading but I don't like feeling like I need to fill all my free time with reading in order to meet my goals. 
  22. Make a new friend -- I think I'm going to call this one DONE.  I haven't made a new close friend but I have made several new friends that could potentially become close friends.  Good enough!
  23. Get baby books up-to-date & add pictures -- No.  Shoot.....I need to do that.
  24. Sew something -- This is a summer goal.  I'll be spending a lot of time in Arkansas where I know sewing machines and sewing instructors and fabric abound.
  25. Invite [specific people] over for dinner -- DONE
  26. Take each child to a library program for one-on-one time -- I took Flora to a Fancy Nancy musical (I decided that I shouldn't limit myself to library programs only) but I'm still waiting for something to come up that Scout would really enjoy.  And I'm kind of waiting for Timber to get a bit older.  So this one is 1/3 DONE.
  27. Stay off the computer for 30 (non-consecutive) days -- 18 days DONE, 12 days to go!
  28. Make a “special box” for each kid -- I just need to do this.  I have it all figured out in my head and it would take less than an hour to do it.....  Maybe tomorrow.
  29. Join a playgroup -- DONE  and I love it!  I joined a MOMS Club group.  Fun fun fun.
  30. Go to a movie by myself again -- I have the AMC gift card thanks to Chris.  Now I just need to pick a movie and go!  He even put enough on there for me to get a yummy snack! 

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