Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Mirror Mirror

Facing a mirror you see merely your own countenance; facing your child you finally understand how everyone else has seen you. - Daniel Raeburn
I didn't realize all the silly things I did until Flora started imitating me. Apparently, I am quite the drama queen when it comes to stinky diapers!!

Flora found a clean diaper and entertained herself for a while by changing her baby doll's diaper. She used a kleenex as a wipe and actually did a good job of putting the diaper on the doll. When she was done putting it on, she scrunched up her face and took the diaper off with plenty of loud "Ew's" and "Gwoss's." Using only two fingers held way out in front of her, she carried the "dirty" diaper over to the diaper genie, continuing to say "Gwoss" and "Ew" along the way.

After the "gwoss" diaper was properly disposed of, Flora took off her pants, fell on the floor, and rolled around with her toys for a while. She can't be a grown up all the time. . . .and I promise she didn't learn that from me!!

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