Friday, September 17, 2010

i jump, you jump, we all jump for IHOP

It was a bit disappointing to wake up this morning and realize that I had not gone into labor last night. Jeff Claunch predicted that contractions would start at 4:30am and the baby would be born by afternoon, but he was wrong. He had me convinced though -- I woke up at EXACTLY 4:30am and then couldn't go back to sleep for over an hour as I waited for the contractions to begin!! Thanks a lot, Jeff. :-)

So, since I wasn't in labor we really didn't have anything to do today. We all had a very lazy morning and then Chris suggested going to IHOP for lunch. I have been wanting to go to IHOP for months now. I even suggested it as our anniversary dinner but he shot that one down. Sometimes their Quick Two-Egg Breakfast is the most perfect meal. It's really nothing special, but when I start craving it, it's hard to get it off my mind. Needless to say, I was ecstatic at Chris' suggestion!

The four of us (well, FIVE of us) filed into IHOP -- 1-year-old, 2-year-old, Daddy, and VERY pregnant Mommy -- and were immediately greeted by one of the three hostess on duty. As she was walking us to our table, I overheard one of the other hostesses ask her co-worker, "Hey, have you ever watched that 19 Kids and Counting show?" It made me laugh because I knew exactly what, or rather WHO, had reminded her of that show. I feel the need to clear up any confusion now. Yes, we will have had three kids in three years, but NO, we are NOT the Duggars!! We're planning this to be our last baby, not baby number 3 of 20! "Borkert, party of five," sounds just right to me.

IHOP was delicious and the kids were very well-behaved and ate most of their food. After we had been there a while, Flora asked me, "Mommy, we are at I JUMP?" Now, THAT's funny!! We had been telling her we were eating at IHOP and I guess she forgot the name but she definitely remembered the idea! IHOP, IJUMP -- same thing, right!?? :-)

After IHOP we walked across the parking lot to Lowes and spent an hour browsing. I hadn't realized how magical a place like Lowes would be to a 1-year-old and a 2-year-old. They were fascinated by all the toilets, played peek-a-boo through the windows on display, rode a lawn mower, peeked inside the refrigerators, checked the mail boxes for mail, and ooh-ed and aah-ed over the aisle of bright light fixtures.

Fun times, fun times . . . now if only this baby would make an appearance we could call this a stellar day!

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