Monday, July 6, 2009

Better Than a Bathtub

Flora found Scout's little plastic bathtub today and thought it a wonderful new toy. She sat in it, pushed it around, gave her babies pretend baths in it, and attempted to put Scout in it. I would have taken pictures of all this, but my camera is dead.

*moment of silence*

As fun as the bathtub was in its upright position, the full potential of the bathtub was not realized until she turned it over. Upside-down, the bathtub had just enough of an incline to be an acceptable substitute for a real slide. Poor little Flora ecstatically slid down the bathtub over and over, yelling "SLIDE! SLIDE!"

But don't feel too sorry for her. She is getting this slide soon.
Maybe even this weekend. I'm trying to arrange a meeting location and pick-up time with a man named Bill.Bill is going to make Flora a very happy little girl.

1 comment:

the parishioner who doesn't do anything said...

We'll be there with the truck sometime Saturday. Maybe we could meet Bill Sunday afternoon. Did you get the price you wanted?