Friday, July 15, 2011

kids are silly

So apparently I'm not the only one who thinks my kids are hilarious.  Here are a few stories from my cousin, Kati, after she babysat the kids.

**Kati had gum in her mouth and Scout wanted to know what it was.  She told him it was gum and Flora said, "I can chew gum when I'm four."  Scout added, "And I can chew gum when I'm a girl!"  Flora quickly corrected him and he changed his answer to, "I can chew gum when I'm four too."

**They were playing Hide-and-Seek and it was Kati's turn to hide.  She heard Flora and Scout looking for her and almost gave away her hiding location from giggling too much once she heard Flora say, "Now where is that tricky old lady?"  (Kati is 18-yrs-old)

**Scout had to go poo-poo in the potty while Kati was babysitting.  She said that Flora coached Scout through the whole thing, saying, "Just push real hard, Scout, and the poo-poo will come out."  I guess Flora probably realized that Kati was not an experienced potty coach. 

Also, Flora, Scout, and Timber got to play with their cousins Callie, Ellie, and Toby yesterday.  At one point all the kids were playing outside in a wading pool.  Elliott had messed up her swimsuit so she joined the others naked.  When Scout saw her he smacked her on the backside and said, "Ellie, I see your bum-bum!"  Ah, cousins.  We'll have to remind the two of them of that moment in about fourteen years.

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