Saturday, February 5, 2011

pizza and besties

Pizza Street offers a lunch buffet for $2.99 during the week and kids under age 4 always eat free. This means that my family of five could eat for $5.98 before tax -- that's $1.20 per person! Or even better yet, I could take the kids during the week without Chris and the four of us could eat for $2.99! That is 75 cents per person!! Haha---that just seemed crazy to me! Taking three kids to Pizza Street by myself also seems crazy, so I don't think that will be happening while they're still young enough to eat free.

Also, Flora got up from her nap early today and approached me with "the look." It's a look that is meant to melt my heart and compel me to give her whatever she wants. It is a look that works on most people . . . but I'm the mommy. Anyway, she very sweetly asked, "Mommy, can I please wake up Scout now?" Resisting the power of "the look," I told her no. She asked a couple more times before I finally asked her why she wanted to wake him up. "Because," she said, "he is my best friend." Chris and I both said "AWWWW!" And I did let her wake him up a bit early from his nap. Dang, she's good....

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