Thursday, February 10, 2011

sick season

So, it all started a few weeks ago with a cough. Scout coughed . . . and then he developed a cold. And then Flora got a cold . . . and then Chris and I caught the bug. Timber got snotty and coughy but not nearly as bad as the rest of us, thankfully! So, after a few days of *cough* *cough* *snot* we all seemed to be on the mend. And then Scout woke up with a gunky eye. Gunk. Great. So Scout had pinkeye . . . and then Flora had pinkeye . . . and then Timber had pinkeye.

Let me just say right now that I am amazing. I totally deserve this compliment . . . let me tell you why: I single-handedly wrestled a 3-year-old, a 2-year-old, and a 4-month-old to put eye drops in all six eyes twice a day for five days. (Ok, sometimes Chris was there to help, but those five days made me realize how often he's NOT home at bedtime . . . or maybe he was purposely avoiding bedtime that week! I wouldn't blame him.) Do you know how strong a 2-year-old boy is??? how wiggly a 3-year-old girl is??? how small a 4-month-old eye is??? Me=Amazing. I don't like to brag, but I totally deserve it for this one.

So, anyway, the eye drops kicked the pinkeye and I thought we were done with our sick season. We have at least one sick season every year -- you know, the month or two in which we never really stop being sick. But, alas, Scout started running a fever two days ago. I treated it with ibuprofen and hoped it would magically disappear but finally took him to the doctor today when he started telling me that his ear hurt. Poor guy. So now Scout has a sinus infection. He started the antibiotics today. Let's hope this sinus infection will be the capstone of our sick season.

And again, I apologize for the boring health update. When the kids are sick it's pretty much all I can think about. And my throat hurts . . .

1 comment:

the parishioner who doesn't do anything said...

You ARE amazing!