Friday, February 4, 2011

yes, the redhead is with me

WHO: Flora. Scout. Me.
WHAT: MOMS Club playgroup meet-up
WHERE: FUN RUN (a big building full of bounce houses and various ceramic
animals on which to climb .... basically a preschooler's paradise)
WHEN: Today
WHY: 30x30 goal
HOW: Uh, I don't know.....just in a normal way.

Long story short -- we had a good time.

Flora was a maniac in the bounce houses. Totally surprised me. She climbed up the tallest slide and swooshed down it without blinking an eye. Who is this girl??? She was not tall enough to enter the bouncy slide by herself and I guess she got tired of me not responding fast enough because she went across the room to get a little plastic chair to use as a stepping stool. I was impressed with her problem-solving skills! And I think the other kids were appreciative of her efforts too.

Scout enjoyed climbing on the animals and playing with the various arcade games but he wasn't too sure about the bounce houses. He started out just fine and jumped into a bounce house before I even had my coat off -- I think maybe something happened when I wasn't looking to make him afraid. Maybe it happened when I lost Scout. Yep, I lost my kid at a playgroup. In my defense, I KNEW he hadn't gone out of the building. I looked and looked for him and finally found him at the top of one of the bouncy slides. When he saw me he yelled, "Mommy, GET. ME. OUT!" He refused to slide down into my arms and he refused to let Flora lead him down the slide. So I had to climb into the junior-sized bouncy play area and climb up the stairs to carry Scout down. After that episode, the only time he went back into one of the bouncy houses was when I took him in to bounce with Flora and me. He was reluctant, but had fun once he realized that I was bouncing too. Yes, I was bouncing.

I got to talk to a few moms but the Fun Run atmosphere wasn't the best for making friends. Next week we will go to a playgroup at someone's house. Hopefully we can get to know the other playgroup members a bit better in a more intimate setting like that. All in all it was a fun morning.

OH -- I forgot to mention -- I was the ONLY mom there with three kids! And only three other moms had two kids. Doesn't that seem odd? Anyway, it will be interesting to see how this playgroup works out.

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